Milo Murphy's Law Wiki
Cake 'Splosion!
Musim: 2
Kode produksi: 205a
Urutan siaran: 44
Ditulis oleh:
Valerie Breiman
Marja Adriance
Papan cerita oleh:
Ashley Michelle Simpson
Disutradarai oleh:
Robert F. Hughes
Informasi Penayangan
Tanggal Penayangan:
2 Februari 2019[1]
Dipasangkan oleh
"Lady Krillers"
Busur cerita
Busur Milo dan Amanda Arc
Busur Doofenshmirtz (kecil)

"Cake 'Splosion!"[2] adalah episode kedelapan musim kedua Milo Murphy's Law.

Amanda sangat senang mendengar ketika dia dan Milo berpartisipasi dalam acara TV favoritnya, Cake 'Splosion. Namun, karena dia harus bekerja sama dengan Milo, itu juga membuat Amanda gugup tentang potensi bencana yang dibawa oleh Hukum Murphy.



Diogee, Pulanglah![]








Penayangan Internasional[]


L - B - S Episode Milo Murphy's Law
Musim 1 Going the Extra MiloThe UndergroundersRooting for the EnemySunny Side UpThe Doctor Zone FilesThe NoteParty of PerilSmooth Opera-torWorked DayThe Wilder WestFamily VacationMurphy's LardSecrets and PiesAthledecamathalonThe SubstituteTime OutWe're Going to the ZooSchool DanceBattle of the BandsThe Math BookThe Little Engine That Couldn'tThe Llama IncidentMissing MiloStar StruckDisaster of My DreamsA Clockwork OriginPerchance to SleepwalkSome Like it YachtBackward to School NightWorld Without MiloThe RaceLove TobogganThe Island of Lost DakotasFungus Among UsMilo Murphy's Halloween Scream-a-Torium!A Christmas Peril
Musim 2 The Phineas and Ferb EffectSnow Way OutTeacher FeaturePicture DayAgee Ientee DiogeeGame NightPace Makes WasteCake 'Splosion!Lady KrillersDoof's Day OutDisco Do-OverThe Ticking ClockManaging Murphy's LawField of ScreamsSpy Little Sister!Milo's ShadowSick DayFreefallMilo's WorldDog Walker, Runner, ScreamerNow I Am a MurphyAbducting Murphy's LawThe Goulash LegacyThe Dog Who Knew Too MuchAdventure BuddiesRide Along Little DoggieLook at this ShipCast Party