- A Clockwork Origin
- Al Yankovic
- Amanda Lopez
- Balthazar Cavendish
- Bradley Nicholson
- Brigette Murphy
- Bunny and a Kangaroo
- Cake 'Splosion!
- Chad Van Coff
- Dave
- Diogee
- Disney Channel
- Eileen Underwood
- Elizabeth Milder
- Elliot Decker
- Episode 576 (The Doctor Zone Files)
- Eunice
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- Hukum Bison
- Hukum Murphy
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- Josh
- Keluarga Murphy
- Kyle Drako
- Lingkup Bencana
- Lola Sunderguard
- Loss Can Lead to New Adventures
- Marcus Underwood
- Martin Murphy
- Melissa Chase
- Milo Murphy
- Milo Murphy's Law
- Milo Murphy's Law Wiki
- Mort Schaeffer
- Ms. Decker
- Ms. Murawski
- Neal
- No Day Like a Snow Day
- Nolan Mitchell
- Phil LaMarr
- Phineas and Ferb
- Professor Zone
- Race for Homeless Llamas
- Rooting for the Enemy
- Sara Murphy
- Sewers
- Shelley
- Star Struck
- Sunny Side Up
- The Dog Door Bone Files
- Victor Verliezer
- Vinnie Dakota
- Wendy
- Zack Underwood