Milo Murphy's Law Wiki Tiếng Việt
Milo Murphy's Law Wiki Tiếng Việt

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/* Chat hacks */
//<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
// Notice of moving
importScriptPage('MediaWiki:ChatTags/code.js', 'shining-armor');

/* Chat options */
/* <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */
 * ChatOptions
 * Change how Special:Chat looks and functions using an interface.
 * Uses cookies to store the changes.
 * A potential solution to all your chathacks problems.
 * Many thanks to the Call of Duty Wiki Chat,
 * who supported and helped this the whole way through.
 * It has been much appreciated. Thank you!
 * Make sure you are not loading MediaWiki:Chat.js/load.js 
 * with MediaWiki:Chat-edit-count.
 * Load it with MediaWiki:Chat-welcome-message, or this
 * will malfunction badly.
 * TODO: Improve user interface
 * @version 1.3.1
 * @author Callofduty4
 * @author Madnessfan34537
 * @author Sactage <>
 * Function to set a cookie
 * @param cookie_name A string representing the cookie's name
 * @param data The value of the cookie to be set
function setCookie( cookie_name, data ) {
	var domain = wgServer.split("//")[1];
	document.cookie =
		cookie_name + "=" + data +
		"; max-age=" + 60*60*24*150 +
		"; path=/; domain=" + domain;
 * Function to get a cookie's value
 * @param cookie_name A string representing the cookie's name
 * @param pos The index of the value to get from the cookie
 * @return The string value of the cookie
function getCookie( cookie_name, pos ) {
	var x, y, cookie_array = document.cookie.split(";");
	for (var i=0; i < cookie_array.length; i++) {
		x = cookie_array[i].substr(0,cookie_array[i].indexOf("="));
		y = cookie_array[i].substr(cookie_array[i].indexOf("=")+1);
		x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
//x = x.trim() should be quicker, it is supported by all recent navigators (include IE9)
		if (x == cookie_name) {
			var style_objects = y.split(", ");
			return unescape(style_objects[pos]);
 * Function to check if a chat options module is enabled
 * @since 1.3.0
 * @author Sactage
 * @param name The name of the options module
 * @return boolean
function isEnabled(module) {
	var c;
	switch (module) {
		case "chatHacks":
			c = getCookie("customisation", 2);
		case "tabComplete":
			c = getCookie("customisation", 4);
		case "multiKick":
			c = getCookie("customisation", 5);
		case "multiPM":
			c = getCookie("customisation", 6);
		case "searchBar":
			c = getCookie("customisation", 7);
		case "stopSideScroll":
			c = getCookie("customisation", 9);
		case "ignoreURL":
			c = getCookie("customisation", 8);
			return false;
	return (c === "true");
// Store chat customisation options as an object
var chatOptions = {
	look: {
		fontColor: getCookie("customisation", 1),
		fontFamily: getCookie("customisation", 3),
		surroundColor: getCookie("customisation", 10),
		selfPostColor: getCookie("customisation", 11),
		backgroundColor: getCookie("customisation", 0),
        modalIcon: ""
	modules: {
		chatHacks: {
			element: "#chatHacks",
			enabled: isEnabled("chatHacks"),
			loaded: false,
			load: function () {
				if ($("#pingspan").length > 0 || this.loaded)
				importScriptPage("MediaWiki:ChatHacks.js", "dev");
				this.loaded = true;
		tabComplete: {
			element: "#tabComplete",
			enabled: isEnabled("tabComplete"),
			loaded: false,
			load: function () {
				this.loaded = true;
		multiKick: {
			element: "#multiKick",
			enabled: isEnabled("multiKick"),
			loaded: false,
			load: function () {
				$('<a id="multiKickerButton" class="wikia-button" href="javascript:showPopup()" style="position:absolute; right:55px; top:22px;">Multikick</a>').appendTo('.Write'); // to prevent issues with the button not loading
				this.loaded = true;
		multiPM: {
			element: "#multiPM",
			enabled: isEnabled("multiPM"),
			loaded: false,
			load: function () {
				importScriptPage("MediaWiki:Multipms.js", "dev");
				this.loaded = true;
		searchBar: {
			element: "#searchBar",
			enabled: isEnabled("searchBar"),
			loaded: false,
			load: function () {
				this.loaded = true;
		ignoreURL: {
			element: "#ignoreURL",
			enabled: isEnabled("ignoreURL"),
			loaded: false,
			load: function () {
				$('head').append('<style type="text/css">li[data-user="URL"] {display:none;}</style>');
				this.loaded = true;
		stopSideScroll: {
			element: "#stopSideScroll",
			enabled: isEnabled("stopSideScroll"),
			loaded: false,
			load: function () {
				$('head').append('<style type="text/css">#WikiaPage .Chat .message { word-wrap: break-word; }</style>');
				this.loaded = true;
 * Applies updated settings to the chat skin
function updateChatSkin() {
	$('.WikiaPage').css({"background-color":chatOptions.look.backgroundColor, "color":chatOptions.look.fontColor, "font-family":chatOptions.look.fontFamily});
	$('.ChatHeader').css({"background-color":chatOptions.look.backgroundColor, "font-family":chatOptions.look.fontFamily});
	var selfPostElement = document.createElement('style');
	selfPostElement.innerHTML = '.Chat .you{background:' + chatOptions.look.selfPostColor + ' !important;}';
	$('.Write [name="message"]').css({"color":chatOptions.look.fontColor});
	$('.Write .message').css({"background-color":chatOptions.look.backgroundColor});
	$('.ChatHeader .User .username').css({"color":chatOptions.look.fontColor});
	for (var m in chatOptions.modules) {
		if ( chatOptions.modules.hasOwnProperty( m ) ) {
			var module = chatOptions.modules[m];
			if (typeof module.enabled === 'boolean' && module.enabled && !module.loaded) {
 * Displays the options window
function openOptions() {
	// TODO: Kill this with fire? There has to be a better way to do this - perhaps use $.showModal
	var $optionsWindowHTML = $.showCustomModal( "Options", '<form method="" name="" class="WikiaForm "><fieldset><p style="font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">Colour changes</p><p style="font-size:80%;">Enter a <a href="" target="_blank">colour name</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">colour hex</a><p>Chat background&nbsp;<input type="text" name="backgroundColourinput" id="backgroundColourinput" value="' + chatOptions.look.backgroundColor + '"/></p><br/><p>Self-post background&nbsp;<input type="text" name="selfPostColourinput" id="selfPostColourinput" value="' + chatOptions.look.selfPostColor + '"/></p><br/><p>Surround&nbsp;<input type="text" name="surroundColourinput" id="surroundColourinput" value="' + chatOptions.look.surroundColor + '"/></p><br/><p>Font colour&nbsp;<input type="text" name="fontColourinput" id="fontColourinput" value="' + chatOptions.look.fontColor + '"/></p><br/><p style="font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">Font</p><p>Font family <select id="fontList"><option value="arial" style="font-family:arial;">Arial</option><option value="courier new" style="font-family:courier new;">Courier new</option><option value="georgia" style="font-family:georgia;">Georgia</option><option value="palatino linotype" style="font-family:palatino linotype;">Palatino linotype</option><option value="Comic Sans MS" style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">Comic sans</option><option value="tahoma" style="font-family:tahoma;">Tahoma</option><option value="Trebuchet MS" style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;">Trebuchet MS</option><option value="Verdana" style="font-family:Verdana;">Verdana</option><option value="Lucida Console" style="font-family:Lucida Console;">Lucida Console</option></select></p><br/><p style="font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">Added functionality</p><input type="checkbox" name="chatHacks" value="chatHacks" id="chatHacks"/> Enable <a href="" target="_blank">chathacks</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="multiPM" value="multiPM" id="multiPM"/> Enable <a href="" target="_blank">multi PM</a><br/><input type="checkbox" name="tabComplete" value="tabComplete" id="tabComplete"/>Enable <a href="" target="_blank">tab complete</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="searchBar" value="searchBar" id="searchBar"/>Enable <a href="" target="_blank">search bar</a><br/><input type="checkbox" name="multiKick" value="multiKick" id="multiKick" />Enable <a href="" target="_blank">multi kick</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="ignoreURL" value="ignoreURL" id="ignoreURL"/>Ignore URL in main chat<br /><input type="checkbox" name="stopSideScroll" value="stopSideScroll" id="stopSideScroll"/>Stop the sidescroll bar to appear after someone spams</fieldset></form>', {
		id: "optionsWindow",
        width: 600,
        buttons: [
			id: "cancel",
            message: "Cancel",
            handler: function () {
			id: "updateCookie",
			defaultButton: true,
			message: "Update!",
			handler: function () {
	// Check if various modules have been enabled by the user, and check their boxes if so
	if (chatOptions.modules.chatHacks.enabled)
	if (chatOptions.modules.multiPM.enabled)
	if (chatOptions.modules.tabComplete.enabled)
	if (chatOptions.modules.searchBar.enabled)
	if (chatOptions.modules.multiKick.enabled)
	if (chatOptions.modules.ignoreURL.enabled)
	if (chatOptions.modules.stopSideScroll.enabled)
	if (typeof window.customFonts !== "undefined" && window.customFonts.length) {
		for (var i = 0; i < window.customFonts.length; i++) {
			var font = window.customFonts[i];
			$("#fontList").append('<option value="' + font+ '" style="font-family:' + font + ';">' + font.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + font.slice(1) + '</option>');
	// Set certain modules' checkboxes to disabled if specific conditions are not met
	if (!wgUserGroups.indexOf("chatmoderator") && !wgUserGroups.indexOf("sysop") && !wgUserGroups.indexOf("staff") && !wgUserGroups.indexOf("helper") && !wgUserGroups.indexOf("vstf"))
	if (wgServer !== "")
	$("select option[value='" + chatOptions.look.fontFamily + "']").attr("selected","selected"); // sets the font selector to the one chosen currently
 * Close the options window without saving any changes
function cancelChanges() {
	var dialog = $('#optionsWindow');
 * Saves user options and stores them in a cookie for persistence across sessions
function updateCookie() {
	chatOptions.look.backgroundColor = $('#backgroundColourinput').val();
	chatOptions.look.fontColor = $('#fontColourinput').val();
	chatOptions.look.fontFamily = $('#fontList').val();
	chatOptions.look.surroundColor = $('#surroundColourinput').val();
     chatOptions.look.selfPostColor = $('#selfPostColourinput').val();
	for (var m in chatOptions.modules) {
		if ( chatOptions.modules.hasOwnProperty( m ) ) {
			var module = chatOptions.modules[m];
			if (typeof module.element != 'undefined' && $(module.element).attr("checked")) {
				module.enabled = true;
			} else {
				module.enabled = false;
	// Set the cookies
	setCookie("customisation", chatOptions.look.backgroundColor + ", " + chatOptions.look.fontColor + ", " + chatOptions.modules.chatHacks.enabled + ", " + chatOptions.look.fontFamily + ", " + chatOptions.modules.tabComplete.enabled + ", " +  chatOptions.modules.multiKick.enabled + ", " + chatOptions.modules.multiPM.enabled + ", " + chatOptions.modules.searchBar.enabled + ", " + chatOptions.modules.ignoreURL.enabled + ", " + chatOptions.modules.stopSideScroll.enabled + ", " + chatOptions.look.surroundColor + ", " + chatOptions.look.selfPostColor);
// Add Options button
if (!$("#chatOptionsButton").length) {
	$('.Rail').prepend('<div id="chatOptionsButton" onclick="openOptions();" style="margin:auto; cursor: pointer; font-size:150%; bottom:4px; padding-bottom:2px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC; width:90%;" align="center"><img src="' + chatOptions.look.modalIcon + '" width="18px"/>&nbsp;Options</div>'); // Prevent multiple buttons from being appended
window.onload = updateChatSkin();