Milo Murphy's Law Wiki
Milo Murphy's Law Wiki

Sky - with Milo, Melissa and Zack[]

(The episode opens on Zack screaming.)

Melissa: You ok, Zack?

Zack: I'm just practicing for whenever Murphy's Law hits. (Milo falls into the shot)

Milo: That's the spirit!

Melissa: I'm just bummed it's not real skydiving. (folds arms, groans) Lousy restrictions on potentially life threatening extreme sports, ruining all my fun. Again.

Milo: Melissa, you were 7 years old, they weren't going to let you in a shark cage.

Melissa: I was ready.

Zack: Ok cool, I think we've used up all the fun, can we get down now?

Milo: Don't worry, Zack. This simulator is perfectly safe. In fact there are many redundant safety systems on top of safety systems, that will prevent the turbine from stopping suddenly (a screw suddenly becomes loose) or increasing to a dangerous velocity (the screw falls into the gears, is flung out and hits all but one of the safety systems.)

Operator 1: 5 of the 6 safety systems have failed, ay.

Operator 2: Good thing we have that 6th one, cause it's lunch time. (Both leave for lunch.)

(The screw hits Turbine Over dive on, shooting Melissa, Zack and Milo upwards.)

Zack: This is what I was practicing screaming for. (Melissa and Zack hold onto Milo)

Melissa: Zack it's going to be ok, just hang tight.

Zack: You're not the boss of me.

Melissa: Just think of it is as immersion therapy.

Zack: Well, now you're making stuff up.

Melissa: No, immersion therapy; it's a thing. It's like if you're afraid of scorpions, you stick your face in a jar of scorpions.

Zack: That's a terrible idea! You'd get stung on the face by a whole jar of scorpions!

Melissa: Ok, bad example.

Milo: It's ok Zack, I've got these. (Pulls Parachute out) It's Elliot Brand safety chutes.

Zack: Elliot? The crossing guard?

Melissa: (Takes chutes) Yeah, Elliot's got his own line of safety stuff.

♪Elliot-brand safety chutes, don't fall anywhere without one♪

Zack: Anything in there for me Milo?

Milo: (reaching into his bag) You bet! (Takes out potted flower, beachball, jar of of scorpions, toy car, toy man with parachute, whilst Zack looks unimpressed.)

Zack: You know there was a time in my life (Milo lets go of parachute man), when this would have been (Milo finds rubber duck) very amusing, Milo.

Milo: Sorry. (Milo finds another chute) Ah, I knew Elliot gave me 3 of them (lets go by accident) 4 of them. (Finds another one.) Anyway don't worry Zack (checks watch) we are at 600 feet in the air, the updraft should keep up, unless it happens to break. (Bird flies into the last safety system, stopping the entire thing, causing everyone to drop.) Like that.

Zack: Milo. (All 3 chutes open)

Milo: We'll be on the ground in just a few seconds. As long as nothing turns the wind turbine back on, but really what are the odds of that?

Nearby Café[]

Operator 1: So, what happens if the 6th safety system fails ay?

Operator 2: Oh, The back up generator, will turn the wind turbine back on. (Generator turns the Window Turbine back on, pushing the speed to irresponsible, and causing Milo, Zack and Melissa to go up)

Sky - with Milo, Melissa and Zack.[]

Zack: (Screaming)

Melissa: Weee!

Zack: (Yelling)

Melissa: It's going to be ok Zack. Maybe try to visualise something tranquil like a lake, a peaceful lake. With.... ducks (points towards ducks.)

Zack: (opens eyes) Yeah, that's nice. A nice peaceful lake, that's pretty -(Duck quacks can be heard), what! (the ducks swoop in on the chutes). The birds, the birds!

Milo: Look out!

Zack: (The birds puncture his chute). I'm coming over Melissa. Wah wah (Jumps towards Melissa and manages to catch her foot). Melissa your feet are my new best friends.

Melissa: I dig 'em too. (The ducks puncture her chute.) Hope you like company Milo, because we're coming over. (Swings herself and Zack before leaping and catching Milo's leg, seconds later.) Oh no we're caught in an updraft, now we're caught in a downdraft.  Updraft, downdraft. Updraft, downdraft.

Somewhere Below[]

Trucker Ted (on Phone): Yea, I just seen these kids, in the sky, they're drifting by in the sky. Just a concerned citizen is all, but I don't like people I don't know making shadows on my own house.

Diogee: (runs up and barks)

Trucker Ted (still on phone): No that wasn't me. That was a dog. A dog! What the heck is wrong with you? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Well then I apologise.

Sky - Plane with Dakota and Cavendish[]

Dakota: ♪ We're flying in the sky, we're flying in the sky, and then we're gonna find some alien trash. ♪ (Moves in front of Cavendish who is flying, Cavendish shoves him back, grunting as he does so.)

Cavendish: Uh. You're not helping.

Dakota: Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the credenza this morning.

Cavendish: Credenza is a desk.

Dakota: Yeah, I know, I just said it because it sounds old-fashioned.

Cavendish: We saved the world and what did we get for our trouble?  

Dakota: (In higher pitch voice) Alien trash.

Cavendish: Exactly, just once I'd like someone to take notice of us, to get credit. It's like no one (Drone flies close) sees what we do at all.

Miltary Base[]

Lieutenant Tenant: Sir we have a bogey in sector 8. They seem to be flying a banner, that says...

Colonel Niblet: (Off screen) Hang on a second, I'm making some popcorn.

Lieutenant Tenant: (Mocking) I'm making some popcorn.

Sky - with Milo, Melissa and Zack[]

Milo: (looking up) Hey check it out, best if used before October 3rd.

Zack: What day is it?

Milo: October 4th. (Ropes start snapping)

Zack: Wow, they've got their expiration dates down to a science. (Last role snaps, dropping all 3)

Milo: Don't worry I've got back ups (Zack screams the entire time, Opens new parachutes), but I did buy them all on the same (chute breaks, opens new one) time, (breaks) so they may all have the same (new parachute open and breaks) expiration date. (opens 4th one) Except this one, I got this one the next day.

Zack: (Humming)

Melissa: Uh-oh I think we lost Zack.

Milo: Uh, Zack. Are you ok?

Zack: (Stops humming) I'm...I'm not sure. I think I'm so scared, I'm not scared anymore.

Melissa: Is that a thing?

Zack: I don't know, maybe instead of just a straight line or simple progression from peaceful to terrified, maybe fear is more like a circle and after absolute terror that's no place to go, but back to peaceful.

Melissa: Yeah I was right, we lost him.

Milo: No Melissa, I know what he's talking about. It's like a bad movie, sometimes it can get so bad, it's good again. Fear is like a bad movie.

Melissa: (looking down) Does this bad movie end on us being impaled on jagged rocks?

(Diogee pushes mattress onto rocks)

Milo: No wait, look.

All: Diogee!

Zack: Wait, where he did get a mattress?

Milo: My neighbours are having a yard sale. We're gonna be o- (Something pulls them sideways, Diogee follows barking)

Melissa: I guess it's for the best, that mattress was just a twin, we'd barely all fit on it.

Zack: So why are we going sideways?

Melissa: (It's revealed a drone has pulled them side ways) Where did that come from?

Military Base[]

Lieutenant Tenant: Sir there seems to be something interrupting with our reconnaissance drone.

Colonel Niblet: This better be important Lieutenant Tenant (walks into room then looks at watch) my microwave popcorn is slowing down to 3 to 4 pops a second, if I'm not there to stop it, it'll burn and then I'm the 'guy who burned the popcorn,' in the office microwave, and I'll never hear the end of it.

Lieutenant Tenant: I think we snagged a flat badger, but it's been painted to look like a parachute.

Colonel Niblet: A flat badger in mid air?

Lieutenant Tenant: Or maybe it's just an actual parachute.

Colonel Niblet: Bring it back in, we'll take a look at it. After I've finished my popcorn. (Leaves room)

Lieutenant Tenant: (Mocking) I'm Colonel Niblet. I have to stop everything just so I can - (Colonel Niblet reappears)

Colonel Niblet: Actually that was pretty good, sounded just like me. (Leaves again)

Lieutenant Tenant: (Mockingly) Actually that was pretty good, it sounded just like me.

Colonel Niblet: (Off screen) You're blowing my mind, Lieutenant.

Outside of Military Base.[]

Officer: Attention, flying minors, this is restricted airspace. (Zoom into Guard Tower, which expired yesterday which starts creaking) Wait a minute, What's that creaking noise? (Tower falls and officer jumps free) Curse you, October 3rd expiration date. (Tower lands on Ammo Storage)

Milo: Uh-oh. (Stuff flies near them)

Inside Military Base[]

(Lieutenant Tenant and Colonel Niblet are watching Krillhunter.)

Colonel Niblet: Man the surround sound on this movie, is awesome.

Lieutenant Tenant: (Turns and open blinds) Uh sir, that may not be the movie (guard towers topple over)

Plane - Cavendish and Dakota[]

Dakota: You know this reminds me of this movie that I saw. Last weekend, the whole movie was shot on a sky drop, I think they were saving money on locations.

Cavendish: Was it a good movie?

Dakota: (Shrugs) Eh.

Sky - Milo, Melissa and Zack[]

(The drone let's Milo and co go.)

Zack: (Screaming)

Melissa: So we're back to the screaming again.

Zack: It's not that big a circle.

Milo: It's ok Zack, I think the chute's gonna hold.

Zack: Can't we please just get to the ground.

Milo: Yes, that should be our goal.

Outside Miltary Base[]

Colonel Niblet: (Now outside) Who did this? (Points to the plane with Cavendish and Dakota) It must have been them. Quick, use the disintergrator ray. (the officer guy holds it up, but it fissels out) What's wrong?

Officer: Best if used by October 3rd.

Colonel Niblet: Dad blast it!

Lieutenant Tenant: Your Dad's not here sir.

Colonel Niblet: (Points again) Then somebody else blast it. Send the drone. (Drone is sent after).

Plane - Cavendish and Dakota[]

Dakota: (Having spotted drone) Hey Cavendish remember when you said no one saw the things we do? Well look. (He and Cavendish both look to the drone now flying by their side)

Outside Military Base[]

Lieutenant Tenant: You can run, but you can't hide.

Colonel Niblet: (Appears with burnt popcorn) I'm never gonna hear the end of this.

Plane - Cavendish and Dakota[]

Dakota: Hey it looks like they want to take our picture. (Laser fires) Maybe it wants to irridicate use us from the planet. (Cavendish tries to defensive steps with flying)

Cavendish: Evasive Maneuverers.

Sky - Milo, Melissa, Zack, Cavendish and Dakota[]

Milo: A plane. (Laser destroys all of the ropes on their parachute, so they fall. Cavendish is flying downwards to avoid the laser)

Dakota: Hey look the Murphy Kid, hey Murphy.

Milo: Oh (chuckles) Hey Dakota.

Dakota: Wait, how are they going up?

Cavendish: They're not actually, we're just going down faster than they are.

Dakota: Oh yeah. Look at that. Grab onto the banner on our tail. (Cavendish pulls level just below Milo and Co, who grab the banner.)

Zack: I can't believe that worked. (The banner rips) And we're back (falling again, Zack climbs to the top turning it into a make shift parachute, yelling the entire time)

Milo: Way to go Zack. Your adrenalized fear response to climb the banner in mid air actually saved us.

Melissa: Now we're gonna hit the ground at a non-fatal velocity.

Zack: And that's my favourite kind of velocity.

Plane - Cavendish and Dakota[]

Cavendish: (Looking back) I don't believe it.

Dakota: Oh like that's the craziest thing you've ever seen Murphy and his friends do. (Notice the drone flying at them, he and Cavendish scream at it comes at them.)

Outside Military Base[]

Lieutenant Tenant: This is for the Colonel's popcorn. (Drone hits the plane on the propeller, sending it into free fall.)

Plane - Cavendish and Dakota[]

Dakota: Pull up, pull up.

Cavendish: I'm trying.

Dakota: Try harder.

(Plane lands belly first)

Cavendish: I'm trying.

(Plane slides through Taxidermy Warehouse before crashing into a barn, both fall out the door with Dakota landing on Cavendish)

Sky - Milo, Melissa and Zack[]

Milo: Ok let's aim for that pillow factory.

Melissa: Uh Milo, pillow factories are only soft on the inside.

Milo: (laughs) Oh right. (Looking off screen) Look, there's a circus, maybe we can land on the tent. (Balloons start to fly up and fill the arch of the banner) Uh, nevermind.

Zack: Great we're going up again. Goodbye sweet earth.

Former Plane - Cavendish and Dakota[]

Cavendish: This is delicious, that drone, we're are on somebody's radar. We have rivals, we're important again.

Dakota: Yeah, I'm just glad I put your name on the plane rental form.

Sky - Milo, Melissa and Zack[]

Melissa: Hey look there's Diogee. (Diogee is on a roll) What is he doing? (Diogee tips a cannon)

Milo: (Diogee loads himself in during this) He's not supposed to shoot himself out of a cannon. (Cannon fires and Diogee lands on the banner and starts popping balloons, and the group start falling.) Hey we're going down.

(Cheers as they land)

Zack: You know, maybe this whole immersion therapy worked, instead of being really scared sometimes, I'm just a little bit scared all of the time. (Puts arm on Melissa and Milo's shoulders)

Milo: That's right Zack, baby steps.

Melissa: Right let's break out that jar of scorpions.

♪It's my world and we're all living in it.♪
