Milo Murphy's Law Wiki

"Looking High and Low for Milo" is a song played in the Season 2 episode, "The Mid-Afternoon Snack Club", as Cyborg Bear searches for Milo to seek revenge on him.


Well you started life as a grizzly bear,
and then the government hijacked your mind
(Government hijacked your mind)
Then you wound into a cyborg killer
programmed to annihilate mankind

You got mistreated then you got defeated
by a middle schooler who made you eat it
in a sink hole, now he's the one that you're
trying to find

You're looking high and low for Milo
and if you find him there's gonna be blood
Somebody better go tell Milo
"Hey Milo, watch out bud"

Cause there's a cybernetic grizzly bear
He's got your DNA from a sample of your hair
and he's looking just about everywhere
for you

He's looking high and low for Milo
and of course he wants revenge
on you know who


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BMI Work #31041133

"We Can Do What We Want"
Songs Next:
"It's My World (And We're All Living in It)" (Ending sting 38)