Milo Murphy's Law Wiki

Sheriff Murphy is Milo Murphy's great-great-great-great-grandfather and the original Murphy of Murphy's Law.


In The Race, Balthazar Cavendish and Vinnie Dakota meet him in 1875 after Milo races pass them in their time vehicle. It turns out that the time period and town that Cavendish and Dakota landed in has a whole bunch of time travellers that can't find a way back to the future because none of them can find the right power sources for their time machines. The sheriff eventually helps Cavendish and Dakota return to our time by helping them bump-start their car by leading them off a cliff.


Sheriff Murphy is a helpful man and is very specific.


Sheriff Murphy is a middle aged man with black hair and mustache and a broad nose.

He wears a tune hat, orange vest, black button up shirt, tan pants and black boots.



  • Well I'm a Murphy and I am the law.



  • He is the only person in his city whom is not a time traveler.
  • Dakota considers the town a Bermuda Triangle for time travelers because of him.