Eons from now. - Unknown Location[]
(There's a statue of a pot of Goulash holding a flag.)
Grandpa: Feast your eyes Toby. This robot pot of Goulash was the hero of the Great Screech Owl War of Millennia II. A war that was a turning point for the entire human race. (Flashback to a lab with scientists in a room overlooking a Robot Owl in another.) You see, thousands of owl-shaped drones, (a flash) were accidentally programmed to destroy humans. (The Owl looks over, and it's revealed one of the scientists accidentally changed the dial to 'destroy all humans'. Owls screeching as many ascend on people.) For 200 years, the owls battled mankind for dominion over planet Earth. (Lasers from both sides, fire and the owls circle.) But at it's darkest hour, humanity was miraculously saved. (Lightning flashes as a figure appears on a near by cliff.) Out of nowhere, the legendary figure appeared. (Which is revealed to be a Sentient Goulash with a cape) And it was this sentient crockpot of goulash that single handedly defeated the robotic avian aggressors. (The S. Goulash's small gurn turns into a much larger one, which fires destroying all the owls.) and was the salvation of all mankind. (Everyone cheers.)
(Flashback ends)
Grandpa: So always remember, Grandson, (Puts his hands on Toby's shoulders) none of us would be here, were it not for...(hand out to the state) That brave bowl of goulash! (sobbing)
Toby: (starts laughing)
Grandpa: What? Hey. No I'm..I'm serious!
Toby: Oh, come on, Grandpa. So some Hungarian meat dish just walks out from behind a hill...
Grandpa: It was goulash.
Toby: (arms out) And blows up some toy owls?
Grandpa: Those were screech owls. And he was...
Toby: (Mocking) Hey, look. I got a slow cooker, for a head and I...
Grandpa: Yeah, go ahead and make fun of your grandfather.
Toby: What did he do? Just be he took off, did he say (holds arm up) 'paprika!'
Grandpa: You don't believe me?
Toby: Ah, come on, Grandpa, how is any part of the story possible?
Grandpa: Well, lad, it all started innocently enough...in a small town called Danville (Pronounced Dan-Fila) in an age when humans and machines had a friendly relationship.
The Murphy's Kitchen[]
Zack: That goulash smells delish, (Brigette picks up a crockpot full of goulash) Mrs. Murphy. (It's revealed Brigette, Zack and Melissa are in the kitchen, Brigette puts the goulash down on the counter.)
Brigette: Thanks Zack. (stirs briefly) It's for the world's greatest goulash contest. (takes oven gloves off)
Zack: That's a thing.
Brigette: Oh it is.
Zack: I'm actually surprised you get any cooking done with all the Murphy's Law around here.
Brigette: Well, Milo helped out a lot. By taking Diogee for a walk.
Milo (outside) Mom! Are you done get? Can I come in now?
Brigette: All clear, Milo. Come on in! (Milo walks in carrying Diogee, he sniffs as he does)
Milo: Mmm. Smells great Mom. From the aroma alone, I bet you'll win first prize.
Diogee: (Barks)
(The key rack comes lose knocking a set of keys off, which hits the flip step of the bin, which opens hits the bananas off the stand, into a cupboard which causes a toaster to fall out, straight onto the goulash, the crockpot shatters)
Diogee: (Panting)
(The toaster pops bread up, before goulash bubbles out if it)
Milo: Guess, I didn't take a long enough walk.
Brigette: Not to worry Milo, I made extra just in case. (Pulls another out of the oven as Milo puts Diogee down) So I have a spare. (Ceiling Microwave falls on it) Okay, I guess that ceiling microwave was a bad idea, (off camera) but I've got another right over.. (crashing) okay, I have this one hidden in the...(Milo, Melissa and Zack's eyes follow something falling before there's a crash, they cringe) Don't worry, I've got another. (crash) (Taking another out of the oven) Don't worry, I've got another. Well, this one is my actual last spare. I'm going to let it simmer over here where it should be safe. (Puts Goulash on a wooden counter by the window, Melissa and Zack look to Milo.)
Milo: Oh, right. Let's go out and see what Dr. D is up to. (He, Melissa and Zack head outside)
Brigette: Now you've got a fighting chance.
The Murphy's Family Shed[]
(Doof is on a ladder, with Norm's head attempting to put it on a robotic body)
Doof: ♪ Houston we've got a situation, better stay by the phone♪ (Open and closing of door, and Milo, Melissa and Zack come in and as he is attempting to screw the head on)
Zack: Hey Dr. D. What'cha upto?
Doof: (Tightening the screw) Oh, just going through some of my old inventions that have survived the, the old building collapse. (puts hand on the robotic body's shoulder) I'm hoping that this body will work with Norm's head.
Norm: Who are these people?
Doof: Oh, sorry, Norm. This is a whole new series....of events that have transpired. Long story. (Sparking and Norm's head is sent skyward)
Norm: (in the air off screen) There I got losing my head again. (Doof catches the head, more buzzing as the body falls backwards into some cardboard boxes, as Doof sets Norm's head on the top of the ladder next to him)
Doof: Rejected. (More sparking)
Norm: (Frowns) I ain't got no body. (Smiles) I joke to hide my pain. (Doof glares)
Zack: (in one of Doof's inator boxes as Doof gets down from the ladder) Hey Dr. D, what's all this stuff?
Doof: Oh, just a box of old handheld inators.
Zack: (Takes out hand to foot inator) Cool. What's this gizmo?
Doof: (Takes the inator from Zack) Well Milo's friend, this one's a hand to foot inator. It changes a hand into a foot. I used it to get revenge on my stuck-up cousin Wolfgang (puts it back) who was a hand-model, how he's a foot-mode. Very successful. (digging through the box) So, you know that didn't work. (looking into the box) Ah see what else we got in here, dust-devil inator, the (grabs the Chicken-Replace-Inator) Oh, and this one's the chicken-replace-inator. You shoot something, it switches places with the nearest chicken. (Accidentally fires it, it hits a mirror, before going out of the nearest window and hits Brigette's Goulash, it's replaced with a chicken that clucks.)
Milo: (Looking out the open door, as Melissa and Zack look out the window) In case you were wondering the goulash is now a chicken. (The chicken jumps out the window clucking and takes off, Milo runs after it)
The Murphy's Backgarden[]
Melissa: (As her, Zack and Doof come outside) You turned the goulash into a chicken?
Doof: No, I didn't turn the goulash into a chicken. It's not magic. It just switched places, with the nearest chicken. Science.
Milo: (Off screen still chasing the chicken) Um, quick question? When we catch it, (The chicken is now attacking Milo) do you know how to turn it back?
Doof: Again, I did not turn it into anything. (Melissa joins the chase) It's a simple chicken-matter transfer. Find the nearest chicken coop, you'll find your goulash.
Milo: (sat on the ground, after Melissa has caught the chicken) How, how do we turn that back into goulash?
Doof: (off screen) Is nobody listening?
Neighbour: (At the hedge fence) Hey, Milo, I found this in my chicken coop. (Holds up the goulash)
Milo: (coming over) The goulash! (takes it from his neighbour)
Neighbour: Um, and you haven't seen a chicken, have ya?
Doof: See, see. Now that guy gets it.
Melissa: (walks over carrying the chicken) Uh, you mean this one? (Neighbour takes the chicken from her)
Neighbour: (Lemon clucks) Lemon. Come to Papa. (He kisses the chicken, and puts her on his head) Thank's Milo's friend. (leaves and Lemon clucks)
Melissa: Did that man just kiss his chicken?
Doof: (Joins Melissa and Milo) Oh, I get it. Lemon chicken. I get it.
Melissa: Hey, where's Zack?
The Murphy's Family Shed[]
Zack: (creeping in and narrating, observed by Norm) Driven by a perverse curiosity, (stops at the box of old inators) Zack went back to the box of mystery and picked out...(takes out an inator) the hand-to-foot inator.
Norm: Meanwhile, from his perch, the lonely robot head watched with trepidation.
Zack: Dude, don't narrate over my narration.
The Murphy's Backgarden[]
Milo: I'm gonna put this back in the kitchen far away from Murphy's Law and Doof's inators.
Zack: (off screen) Hey, Dr. D (Doof turns to face him) (holds up the inator his hands are now feet) Does this thing have a reverse switch on it or something?
Melissa & Milo: Zack!
Doof: Look's like Wolfgang is gonna have a little competition (holds Zack's feet)
Milo: Can you fix it, Dr. D?
Doof: Yeah, no sweat. I can rewire the output back through the input, but I'll need a transformer, some soldering wire, and a whole lotta gauze. I'll be right back. (leaves) (off screen) I'll also need some apple juice.
Melissa: (As she and Milo walk next to Zack) Oh, this is an interesting footnote to our chicken goulash adventure.
Milo: Toe-tally.
Zack: (Unimpressed by the puns) Oh, ha-ha-ha. It wasn't my fault. See, all I did was push this little...(presses button and it zaps, Melissa, Milo and Diogee) Okay, quick survey. Everyone who got zapped by the ray, uh raise your.... (Milo and Melissa raise their feet) feet. Yeah, I was afraid of that.
Diogee: (barks)
Doof: (as he comes back over) I can probably strip some of the parts I need (with a pile of inators) out of these other inators and I...(notices what happened while he was gone) Oh, hey, you all have feet hands. Cool. (The Dust Devil Inator falls out of the pile, buzzing as it activates) Ah, that's my...my dust-devil inator, apparently functioning properly. (A big tornado appears above everyone in the backyard)
Milo: (After the Goulash is pulled into the vortex) Oh, no! The goulash!
♪ (Round and round) ♪
All: (as they're pulled into the tornado) Whoa!
♪ (Round and round)
We're caught up in a spin
Gotta keep the goulash in
(and round)
this pot, so we can win
the greatest goulash contest!
(and round)
We've got feet for hands
So it complicates our plans
(and round)
And it doesn't quite make sense
when you take it out of context!
(and round)
(Gotta save that goulash)
It's up to me and you
(Gotta save that goulash)
We gotta save that stew
Naaa, na na na na naa
Doof: And...I got it! (Zaps everyone back)
Naaa, na nana nana na, na, na ♪
♪ (Gou-lash!) ♪
(Zack lands in the bush, Doof lands on the tree house plank)
Zack: (coming out the bush) Hey, my hands are back.
(Melissa is on the floor, whilst Milo has landed on a knocked over chair holding the goulash)
Melissa: Mine too. Nice work Dr. D
Diogee: (Claps)
Doof: All in a day's for for Dr. D! (The plank falls off and he crashes on the floor. Zack and Melissa tilt the chair back up that Milo fell in)
Milo: And look, what we have here is contest-ready goulash.
(Recurring Raccoon shows up and attempts to steal the Goulash)
♪ You've seen him before,
You're gonna see him soon,
He's Recurring Raccoon. ♪
The Murphy's Family Shed[]
(Diogee takes off after Recurring Raccoon, barking as he does. Diogee attempts to pounce on him and RR throws the Goulash through the Window it lands on the Doof's attempt for a body for Norm, which knocks Norm off his perch, into a toolbox, which lands in Doof's box of inators, which fly off and start lasering the goulash)
The Murphy's Backgarden[]
(Zack, Doof, Melissa, Milo and Diogee watch the light show)
The Murphy's Kitchen[]
(Brigette notices her Goulash is missing, and hears the zapping of the rays)
The Murphy's Backgarden[]
(Brigette joins everyone else)
Brigette: So Milo, uh, have you seen my goulash?
Milo: Yeah, it's in the shed being shot by all of Dr D's inators.
Brigette: Huh.
(The roof comes off the shed, and a rainbow comes through it)
Doof: Uh, I have absolutely no idea how this is going to turn out.
(Video screen, electrical buzzing. )
Goulash: What is this place? Where am I? (Goulash appears on the screen) Who are you? (Goulash flash) Wait a minute. (Goulash flashes on screen with 'a spicy way to 'beef up' any party.') A Hungarian meat dish? (the text disappears) Give me second (the previous text reappears, before a picture of outline image of Goulash in a Crockpot is displayed briefly) What is our mission? (A little of ingredients is shown before it settles on '2 tablespoons on Hungarian Paprika) Paprika? (the text disappears) What is Paprika? (the Goulash image reappears) Goulash? Now we're talking.(Video ends and now on the golden body, the Goulash stands up) I taste good, therefore I am. (starts walking out)
Norm: Aw, some guys get all the bodies. (Thumping as the Goulash and joins everyone else outside)
Goulash: Fear not friends. For I am the greatest sentient robot according to kids 6 to 11 in this time slot (flexes arms) and I must go forth and save the world! (as he flies straight up) Paprika!
Brigette: Was that my Goulash?
Milo: I'm afraid so. Sorry Mom.
Brigette: Are you kidding? My goulash is a flying sentient robot. (shouting) In your face, Margaret Bellasazi!
Margaret: (off-screen) Oh, whatever, Brigette.
Brigette: She always win the contest.
Time Capsule Dedication - Danville Park[]
Mayor: Citizens of Danville. We are here to dedicate this time capsule which will only be opened eons from now in the event of war with (reading paper in front of him) robotic screech owls. I don't know why that's a stipulation, (throws paper away) but uh, it is . And to help us celebrate, here to perform their oddly specific new hit single, 'Goulash.' Love Händel! (pointing in their direction, the crowd cheer as the curtains open)
♪ (Round and round)
(Round and round)
It's a soup from Hungary
That's as hearty as can be
(and round)
Though it's windy you can see
That we're not allowed to spill it! (and round)
A delicious recipe
It's not hyperbole
(and round)
to say it's got a destiny
and it really should fulfill it!
(and round) ♪
♪ (Goulash, gotta save that goulash) ♪
Goulash: (over the song) Hey is that Love Handel? (Hits plane with Sky Banner) Oh, no! My one weakness is sky banners!
♪ (Goulash)
It's up to me and you! ♪
(Goulash crashes into the capsule which closes.)
Grandpa: And luckily that time capsule was unsealed, just when we needed him.
Toby: (Unconvinced) Oh, come on! I don't buy it, Grandpa. There's no way that happened! Heh, no way.
Goulash: (Off Screen) Hey kid, don't sass your elders. (On screen he drops his flag) Paprika! (flies off)
Grandpa: (Puts hands on hips)
Toby: Looks like I owe you an apology.
♪ It's my world and we're all livin' in it. ♪