Milo Murphy's Law Wiki

Several hours later, Milo, Melissa, Amanda, Zack and Lydia were finally ready to leave the Danville Dance Hall and return home. They had a grand time there: Amanda still got to show off some of her ballet skills, but Milo decided to pass up for this year, admiring Amanda from the seating. Fortunately, the worst thing that happened this time was that, when Milo leaned on one end of the wooden rail of the paneling in front of him, the other end got loose and hit someone else on the chin.

Milo, Melissa, Zack and Amanda already already notified their parents about the upcoming tango competition, as well as Anthony and Ashley's challenge. They already had arranged Amanda to visit Milo, while Zack would visit Melissa. They are currently waiting at the bus stop.

"Well, despite the setback from Anthony and Ashley, I'd say today was pretty good", Melissa said with an especially smug grin.

"Yeah, nothing went majorly wrong", Milo added, somewhat surprised. "There was that guardrail thing, but that's it, really."

"Hold on", Zack intercepted, "I think Melissa might be talking about something else."

"Yes and no", Melissa smirked. "I had decided to ask people to send me pictures of the Ballet Incident last year for the catalogue. I may have lost 25 dollars, but I did get 12 juicy pictures in return." Melissa viewed a photo of Milo and Amanda, when the latter was being caught by the former after tripping.

"¡Ay!" Amanda shrieked, blushing madly. "Why'd you have to show us that photo?"

"You wanted a photo of the room being an absolute wreck instead?" Melissa asked rhetorically. "I figured that might've given you an aneurysm."

Amanda covered her reddening face with her hands.

"C'mon, it's not that bad of a photo", Melissa said. "It reflects you and Milo nowadays, at least, and you're not ashamed of that, are you?"

" got a point", Amanda admitted, slowly uncovering her face.

"Then embrace it", Melissa suggested, allowing Amanda to take another peek. "You said you look back at the Ballet Incident more fondly now, right?"

Amanda took the photo in for a second time, thinking of what Melissa just said. Thinking back on the ballet performance she did in front of Milo, and eventually shared with him, Amanda started blushing as a smile crept on her face.

"You're right, the memory is still really pleasant", Amanda admitted to Melissa. "I suppose I just found it a bit embarrassing because we were nothing more than just classmates back then."

"That's the ticket", Melissa grinned, as the bus arrived, and the five kids boarded it.

When Milo and Amanda finally arrived at the Murphy home, they were greeted by Sara.

"If it isn't the new tango superstar couple of the block", she teased as she lets Milo and Amanda in while the two blushed.

"Sara, we're just novices!" Milo spoke with a reddened face.

"Relax, little bro, I'm just teasing a bit", Sara chuckled. "Anyway, Mom and Dad are doing groceries, so I have prepared a makeshift practice room for the two of you, all by myself."

"Oh, I hope Dr Doofenshmirtz hasn't bothered you all too much", Amanda empathized.

"Actually, Dr D hasn't annoyed me at all for the past few hours, surprisingly enough", Sara revealed. "For some reason, he's been sitting in the living room reading this binder he received earlier this morning, with Cavenpus by his side as well."

Amanda looked up. She had almost forgotten that there was a new houseguest at the Murphys since the end of the winter: some kind of weird clone of Balthazar Cavendish stuck on the body of a platypus, created by Heinz Doofenshmirtz to help out Vinnie Dakota finding Cavendish, who was lost at the time (which, in the end, was pointless anyway). It was kind of regarded as an abomination, which makes sense to Amanda, but Cavenpus hated being called as such.

"Hey, maybe we can ask Dr D what he's up to", Milo suggested. "After all, I don't think I'm quite ready to practice immediately."

"I can show you some tango performances on KazooTube with my phone", Amanda told Milo.

"That's a really good idea", Milo complimented, as they entered the living room. They noticed Doof and Cavenpus sitting on the couch, with Doof heavily invested in a binder like Sara said, while Cavenpus was lazily staring at the blackness of the turned-off television screen, while holding an egg the size of a human hand.

Milo and Amanda plopped right next to them on the couch, huddled together as Amanda pulled out her phone and opened the KazooTube app.

"We're gonna start with this dance performance from 2012, on the song Mi rosa roja by composer Carlos Jardín", Amanda stated. "It's a slower song, so it's easier to study the figures."

Amanda put on the video as the two watched it. They paid careful attention to the steps the dancers in the video performed, and how they did them to the slower rhythm of the song (which the two also paid attention to).

As the video finished, Amanda asked: "So, what do you think?"

Milo pondered. "I guess it's easy enough to pull it off. I gotta say though, I really understand why you want to try out the tango so much. It's nicely to the rhythm."

"Yeah, but I actually like the rhythm to be a bit more fast paced", Amanda admitted. "Or a rhythm that gets progressively faster: those get really emotional."

"Yeah, that sounds more exciting", Milo noted. "The music is still amazing, though: I really love the use of the violins and the bandoneons!"

"Wow, you can tell it's a bandoneon?" Amanda asked surprised. "When I heard it, I always think of a regular accordion first."

"Hey, you're looking at an expert accordion player", Milo bragged. "I have heard how a lot of accordion types sound like, owning an accordion and a concertina."

"I guess that's true, you rock on the accordion", Amanda said.

The banter between the two finally got Doofenshmirtz to look away from his binder. "What the heck are you two talking about?!"

"Oh, sorry, Dr D", Milo apologized. "Amanda and I have signed up for the Tango Teen Couples Dance-Off for next week, and got challenged by Anthony and Ashley to win against them, so we're going to prepare for it. Melissa and Zack will participate as well. Mom and Dad had told you, right?"

"Yeah yeah, I know about it", Doof replied. "Sorry, but I can't help you. And I'm sure Cavenpus can't help you either."

"Oh no, Dr D, we're not asking for your help", Amanda said.

"Yeah OK, I'm just saying", Heinz stated. "A-and I'm not sure rebuilding my Hoot-To-Vicky-Inator and rewire it into, I dunno, a Hoot-To-Anthony-And-Ashley-Inator would-"

"Please, Dr D, you don't have to help us if you don't want to", Milo interrupted.

"Don't want to?" Heinz asked. "But of course I want to help you! But like I said, I can't: I'm literally not allowed to help you!"

"Not allowed?" Milo and Amanda chorused, at the moment Sara walked into the living room.

"Yep", Doof nodded, holding up his binder. "You see, a few days ago, the Danville Dance Hall contacted me of all people via email. They said that they've seen me as one of the judges at the End of Night 70s Style Roller Disco Dance Competition over at Skate Ashbury last winter, and wanted me to also be a judge on the Tango Teen Couples Dance-Off! What are the odds, right?"

"Wait, THAT'S what your binder's about?!" Sara asked.

Heinz nodded again. "Yeah, get this: it's the rulebook they sent me for the TTCDO. It explicitly says that I have to stay impartial to any party, which means I'm not allowed to help anyone out. Of course I knew that already, be-because I've been a judge before... twice, in fact. And since I know you two and your little friends as well, I'm gonna have to take off three points of both of your teams."

" you progressively take off more points to any participant you know the more times you're a judge?" Milo asked.

"Moreover, you do realize that as an impartial judge, you can't take points off just because you know the participant, right?" Cavenpus snarked.

"Eh, what do you know? You've never been a judge and are only two months old", Heinz commented.

"But I have studied the dictionary", Cavenpus countered, "and it states that 'impartial' means that one treats every rival or disputant as equals; meaning you shouldn't give any of them an advantage or disadvantage. And taking off points is exactly what a disad-"

"Fine, fine!" Heinz intercepted. "They're getting no points taken off, sheesh!"

He turns to Milo and Amanda. "See, this is one thing why I can't stand Cavenpus sometimes."

"So, is... he, a judge as well?" Amanda asked. "You did say he can't help us, either."

"What? Nah, he has just never seen the tango before", Doof dismissed. "Guy thinks he's such a know-it-all when he's only two months old..."

"So what is he doing at the moment?"

"Well, I'm trying to hatch my egg", Cavenpus explained to Amanda. "You see, I had laid this egg a few months back, despite being half a day old, never having bred before, and being a male-"

"Three additional reasons why you're an abomination", Doof interrupted.

Cavenpus groaned, as he continued: "-but the blasted thing still hasn't hatched to this day, and I was expecting it to by the end of the same day I laid it!"

"Cavenpus has tried all sorts of methods to get that egg being hatched faster", Milo told Amanda.

"Exactly!" Cavenpus exclaimed. "I really hope it will come out soon, because maybe then I'll have someone that respects me for who I am. Aside from the Murphys, perhaps."

Amanda kinda felt sorry for the hybrid clone. Cavenpus was being revered as an abomination by many (including herself just ten minutes ago), but he just wants to fit in.

"Don't worry, Cavenpus", Amanda said, "maybe your egg will hatch very soon."

"I hope so", Cavenpus huffed.

"In the meantime, would you like to see me and Milo practice the tango?" Amanda offered. "I bet that would sound more entertaining than watching a black screen all day with that grouchy Dr Doofenshmirtz next to you."

"Hey!" Doof said in an offended tone.

Cavenpus pondered, paying no mind to Dr D next to him. "Well, alright then", he finally accepted.

"Okay then", Milo smiled. "Let's go, Amanda!"

As Milo, Amanda and Cavenpus arrived in the makeshift practice room (actually the attic), Amanda pulled out her phone again. "Now, as much I like faster-paced tango performances, I doubt we'll be able to follow the rhythm right from the start", she said. "So, we are going to begin with Mi rosa roja again."

"Sounds good to me", Milo stated.

Amanda gave her phone to Cavenpus. "You press 'play' when we're ready, OK?"

"I got it", Cavenpus confirmed. "Um, but aren't you afraid that the floor might... break, or something? I have heard you used to be afraid of Murphy's Law-"

"Yes, used to", Amanda intercepted. "But I have learned from Milo that you need to be perseverant if you want something to be done: any mishap caused by Murphy's Law can be prevented with the right tools. If Murphy's Law manages to strike anyway, you can still fix things or even improve on it. And if all else fails, you can improvise a new solution."

"Besides, our insurance can pay for any injuries Amanda gets", Milo added.

"If you say so..." Cavenpus shrugged, as Milo and Amanda assume position. "Ready!" they shouted.

As Cavenpus pressed the 'play' button and Mi rosa roja began, Milo and Amanda tried their best to mimic the steps, walks and poses they saw in the video from earlier. Held in open embrace as the two walked parallel, Milo thought: "So far, so good..."

The couple followed the beat as they got into slightly more complicated figures as the song progressed.

"Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of it", Milo thought as he smiled towards Amanda, who smiled back at him. "Maybe I'm not a-"


Milo cringed as he suddenly thought of Ashley's awful statement again. His face contorted into a bunch of uncertainties and began sweating, as Milo could think of nothing else but that claim, on repeat.

"And Murph being your burden!"

"And Murph being your burden!"

"And Murph being your burden!"

"AnD mURPH BeIng yOUr bUR-"

"¡Ay! My foot!"

Milo was brought back to reality when he heard Amanda shout all of a sudden. He realized that he may have stepped on Amanda's toes by accident.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" Milo apologized, as he stopped dancing.

"It's okay, Milo", Amanda sighed, alluding Milo to continue with the dance. "Knowing Murphy's Law, it had to happen at least once."

"...Yeah, I suppose you're right", Milo noted. "It's just Murphy's Law..."

Over the next few hours, Milo and Amanda attempted dancing again and again.

Every time, Milo began gaining confidence in his dancing.

Every time, he was being reminded of Ashley's taunt.

Every time, he stepped on Amanda's toes.













Rinse and repeat.

After two hours of dancing, Milo and Amanda called it quits for today, sitting next to Cavenpus.

"Well, I must say, tango looks like something that could quite be marvelous", Cavenpus stated, "...but I would've liked it more if there were less stepping on toes involved."

"W-well, it's not supposed to be this involved", Amanda stated. "Speaking of which, your foot coordination does need some improvement: you must have stepped on my toes at least fifteen times."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right", Milo sighed. He felt bad. Normally, Milo would be excellent at dancing: heck, he was able to dance on roller skates! He had to teach his own parents to have them do the same! However, a certain quote in his memory seemed to be constantly distracting him...

"Milo, is everything alright?" Amanda asked with concern.

Milo looked up. "Oh, uh, yeah, everything's fine", he claimed.

"Are you sure? You seem a little sad, and maybe a little distracted too."

"Nonono, it's fine", Milo reassured Amanda. "I just need to watch myself better. It's Murphy's Law, after all."

Amanda squinted her eyes. "Okaaay... if you say so..."

Her phone buzzed. She checked it, discovering that Melissa had just sent her a text.

"Oh, it looks like Melissa and Zack are just finished as well", she stated. "Melissa said Zack needs to iron out a few kinks, as he has stepped twelve times on her toes."

"Really? And how many times did Melissa step on Zack's?" Milo asked.

"...Thirteen", Amanda revealed with a grin. "But she's the perfect one."

Milo and Amanda chuckled.

"Are you sure you're not supposed to step on your partner's feet?" Cavenpus asked.

"Well, anyway, I gotta go", Amanda told Milo, as she stood up to exit the attic. "My parents are probably waiting for me to join the dinner table."

"Yeah, probably", Milo agreed, as he followed Amanda.

"Hello, you didn't answer my question!" Cavenpus exasperated, following the both of them.

Outside the Murphy residence, Milo and Amanda hugged each other goodbye. "See you tomorrow, Amanda", Milo said.

"See you tomorrow as well", Amanda told back, waving Milo goodbye. "Remember to work on your footwork!"

"Yeah, will do", Milo shouted. "After all, it's just Murphy's Law!"

"Yeah... just Murphy's Law... right?!"

Or was it something else, after all...?

Author's Note:
It's been waaaay too long since I have updated this fic! What, almost three months? Hopefully I'll be able to release more chapters soon! Also, I have made a reference to one of my previous fanfics in this one. I think you might be able to find it.
Chapter 2: A Familiar Pair of Stubborn Rivals
Chapters of
El Milonga de Murphy
(Go to top)
Chapter 4: Visiting Casa Lopez