Synopses of yet to come!
So Volume 4 can finally be purchased on iTunes that contains the second half of Season 2. I have no idea why they decided to cut off Volume 3 at Dog Walker, Runner, Screamer and Now I Am a Murphy, but that's not wthat this blog is about.
Instead, let me show you Volume 4's description:
If you've read the description for the previous two volumes, you know that they describe plots for the episodes it includes. Volume 2's description contains the synopses for Missing Milo, A Clockwork Origin and Some Like it Yacht, and Volume 3's describes The Phineas and Ferb Effect, Snow Way Out, Picture Day, Cake 'Splosion! and Doof's Day Out.
Volume 4 describes Abducting Murphy's Law, The Dog Who Knew Too Much, and... two brand new, unfamiliar synopses. Lemme …
About the March 9 episodes
Turns out, according to the US tv guide, we will likely get Dog Walker, Runner, Screamer and Now I Am a Murphy first, while Freefall and Milo's World are airing the week after that.
With this information in light, if we do indeed get Dog Walker, Runner, Screamer and Now I Am a Murphy tomorrow, then we should check the TV guide as often as we can to prevent misinformation like this. For all we know, The Goulash Legacy/The Dog Who Knew Too Much, Adventure Buddies/Ride Along Little Doggie, Look At This Ship/Cast Party or even the two yet untitled pairs of episodes could be out of order as well, or worse: not even air in the following month in the first place.
I do believe Abducting Murphy's Law has the correct airdate, however. It was highlighte…
Tidbits and theories about Managing Murphy's Law
So, let's talk about this episode. Managing Murphy's Law is among four of the episodes revealed back in August/September I was absolutely hyped for, and it delivered quite well!
For your information, the others were Cake 'Splosion (which absolutely delivered), Doof's Day Out (which also delivered), and Milo's Shadow (which was also good).
Ladies and gentlemen, they did it.
Milanda shippers like me were absolutely crazy over this moment (at least, I was). Yep, it was solid proof that Amanda indeed grew out of her fear for Murphy's Law (or at least shows signs to), and has gotten feelings for Milo in place. And I mean, she had to after Cake 'Splosion. She had to.
But, did you know this moment almost didn't make it in?
According to Joshua Pruett (who …
Early concepts drawn by Joshua Pruett
Back in late August/early September 2017, Mr. Pruett shared some early concept sketches (some of which includes unused characters) on Twitter. I thought it'd be a good idea to compile them here, since... you know... why doesn't this wiki have these, again?
- Early Cavendish and Dakota. Pruett adds that Cavendish had always been dapper and Dakota has always loved food, bit it seemed that Dakota used to be the taller one.
- Early designs for Sara.
- Early sketch of Martin... plus a more final design from Dan Povenmire.
- Early designs for Brigette and Bradley. Looks like they switched who'd wear the glasses.
- Early design for Principal Milder, and an unused janitor character. The janitor's eccentric character has been adapted to Scott.
- An early, younger-lo…
Interesting info about what could've been, regarding Melissa
So earlier, Joshua Pruett decided to answer someone's question on Twitter why Bradley has a vine arm as of The Phineas and Ferb Effect. He said some interesting stuff... about scrapped plans for Melissa.
Yep, he originally pitched that Melissa would remain a full-time Pistachion, before deciding to reduce it to her arm, and then deciding to give Bradley the arm instead.
It would've also apparently been a key element to advance the Zalissa ship. He said this in response to someone else how being a Pistachion would work:
Now, we'd already know that not all Pistachions are evil, seeing the Giant Pistachion in the PnFE, but it's still very interesting. And that Zalissa would be tied to it, too.
It kind of reminds me of something he said some scrapp…