Milo Murphy's Law Wiki
Milo Murphy's Law Wiki

Last time, Kim Possible pulled out the W to knot it all up at 1 match apiece and force a 5th match in this battle to be crowned Greatest Of All Time. But who will take that 2nd step tonight? Let's find out!



Johnny Gilbert: The epic battle for $2,000,000 continues on JEOPARDY! With the winner of Match 3, KIM POSSIBLE...


....the winner of the first match, AMANDA LOPEZ....


....and the winner of the 2nd match, MELISSA CHASE... 


....but only one will be crowned THE GREATEST OF ALL-TIME!


Johnny Gilbert: And now, here is the host of 'JEOPARDY!'....ALEX TREBEK!

Alex Trebek: Thank you, Johnny Gilbert. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 4th match in our 'Jeopardy!' Greatest Of All Time tournament. Amanda got us off to a rousing start Monday evening, edging out Kim by 400 points. Melissa came on strong and won handily on Tuesday night. Then last night, Kim came out firing on all cylinders and won resoundingly to even up the series at 1 match apiece. Tonight, someone's gonna take that next step towards that $2,000,000 bounty. Will it be Melissa, Kim or Amanda? We'll find out in the next hour. Let's get to the Jeopardy! round, shall we?


Jeopardy! Board Fill Sound (2016-present) *Cleaner version*

There's 1 Daily Double to help you out in one of these categories...

200 200 200 200 200 200
400 400 400 400 400 400
600 600 600 600 600 600
800 800 800 800 800 800
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000


Melissa, why don't you start?

Melissa: Thank you, Alex. Let's start with Knight Line for 800, please.

This knight "blew upon the war-horn in dolor and in pain/ and all the Frenchmen hearkened and the Emperor Charlemagne"

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Roland?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Knight Time - 600

"Where is Becket, the traitor to the king?" say the knights in this 1935 verse play

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Murder in the Cathedral?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Stump Town - 800

A 3-letter tree is in the name of this Oregon city known for a Shakespeare festival

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is Ashland?

Alex: Correct, Kim!

Kim: Stump Town - 1000

Poplar Bluff is in Missouri; this tree Bluff is in Arkansas

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Pine Bluff?

Alex: Yes! Pine Bluff!

Melissa: Stump Town - 600

The fabulous skiing of Snowmass is about 10 miles west of this city

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is Aspen, Colorado?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: Stump Town - 400

This Florida coastal town incorporated in 1911 says its name comes from coconuts retrieved from the wreck of the Providencia

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is Palm Beach?

Alex: Well done!

Amanda: Knight Line - 1000

The Red Cross Knight is "pricking on the plaine" in Book 1 of this long, long 1590 poem ("pricking" meant spurring a horse)

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What's The Faerie Queene?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Modern Family - 600

In world news, this policy whose end was announced in 2015 is estimated to have prevented 400 million births

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is the one-child policy?

Alex: In China, yes!

Melissa: Good Doctor - 800

In the 1790s this English physician figured out that giving people cowpox would protect them against smallpox

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Edward Jenner?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Doctor - 1000

Alex: Answer...


Daily Double


Kim: I'll push all in, Alex.

Alex: For 5,200 if you are right, here is the clue...

A vizier to Djoser, this Egyptian was one of the few mortals to be completely deified & was worshipped as the god of medicine

Kim: Who is Imhotep?

Alex: That is correct! I hope you won't take any offense, Kim, but so often when you respond, you appear to do so in a questioning manner as if you're not sure and then take delight in the moment. It's wonderful to see.

Kim: A lot of times, it's merely a guess. I like to hear your reassuring voice, Alex. "Kim, it's going to be okay..."

Alex: Kim, you select again.

Kim: Modern Family - 800

Among 18- to 34-year-olds, 2/3 of Italians live here, as opposed to 1/3 of Germans & Brits

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is with their parents?

Alex: Yes!

Amanda: Let's go to one of my favorite shows, The Bachelor, for 1000

The invisible hand of Cupid did not strike this 18th c. Scot who lived with his mother Margaret for much of his life

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Adam Smith?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: 'The Bachelor' is one of my favorites, too! Let's stick with The Bachelor - 800.

This unwed artist called his paintings his children & had more than 1,000 with him when he died near Oslo in 1944

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: Who is Edvard Munch?

Alex: Edvard Munch! Yes!

Amanda: Modern Family - 1000

In U.S. marriages with husband & wife working, this is now the case for 29% of wives, up from 18% in the 1980s

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is they outearn their husbands?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Bachelor - 600

This man was a bachelor during his 3 terms as mayor of New York City from 1978 to 1989

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: How am I doin'? Who is Ed Koch?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Good Doctor - 600

Le bon docteur René Laënnec invented a monaural version of this instrument, long a staple of the medical kit

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What's the stethoscope?

Alex: Good!

Kim: Blank-"ish" - 1000

This, another word for a fanfare, means the king has arrived

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is flourish?

Alex: A flourish!

Kim: Blank-"ish" - 800

Estuaries & swamps have this type of water not quite as briny as the ocean

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is brackish?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Blank-"ish" - 600

In a chemical reaction, sulfur combines with silver to create this dark coating

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is tarnish?

Alex: Indeed!

Kim: Blank-"ish" - 400

To add fake details to a real story to make it sound better

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is embellish?

Alex: Correct, Amanda!

Amanda: Good Doctor - 400

Getting an M.D. at 17, he later joined the Army Medical Corps, where he figured out the cause of yellow fever

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Reed?

Alex: Walter Reed!

Kim: As much as I hate going back to Melissa's favorite show, I have to...The Bachelor - 400

When fiancee Ann Coleman died soon after breaking off their engagement in 1819, this man returned to politics & never married

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is James Buchanan?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Modern Family - 400

Under the Affordable Care Act, dependent children are covered by mom or dad's health insurance until they reach this age

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is 26?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: Knight Line - 200

"A verray parfit gentil knight" describes one of a cast of characters created by this poet

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Chaucer?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Stump Town - 200

In the names of Iowa cities, this tree precedes Falls & Rapids

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is Cedar?

Alex: Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids!

Amanda: Blank-"ish" - 200

Gory horror movies are not for these people who are easily nauseated

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is squeamish?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Ron's just like that...Good Doctor - 200

He tested his killed polio virus vaccine on himself, but never patented the vaccine or earned any money from its discovery

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Jonas Salk?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: The Bachelor - 200

In 1693 this physicist & lifelong bachelor said friend John Locke "endeavored to embroil me with women"

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: Who is Sir Isaac Newton?

Alex: Yes, and now the last clue...

Starbucks uses it to describe a drink such as Frappuccino; in families, it describes one with stepsiblings living together

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What's a blended family?

Alex: Correct! Brings you to 4,400, Kim at 10,400 and Amanda lagging behind at 3,800. She will go first in Double Jeopardy...after this.

(commercial break)

(return from commercial)

Alex Trebek: Kim found the Daily Double early, has the clear advantage now but anything can change as Amanda makes the first selection from these categories...

400 400 400 400 400 400
800 800 800 800 800 800
1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000


Amanda, you lead off.

Amanda: History - 1600

A heroic last stand at the Battle of Camaron in Mexico holds a special place in the lore of this French group founded in 1831

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is the Foreign Legion?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: History - 1200

In 1976 a military junta seized power in Argentina not from Eva Peron but from this widow

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Isabel Peron?

Alex: Correct, Kim!

Kim: History - 2000

In 1967 part of Nigeria broke off & declared its independence as this land

(Melissa rings in)

Alex; Melissa?

Melissa: What is Biafra?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: History - 800

Making it tough on the pres. seeking re-election, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all-time low of 41.22 in this year

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is 1932?

Alex: During the Great Depression, yes!

Amanda: Albums - 1600

"Should I Stay Or Should I Go" was an appropriate song for this album; soon afterward, Mick Jones left the Clash

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Combat Rock?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: British Stuff - 1600

This historic center for cutlery making is represented by the Blades in Premier League soccer

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is Sheffield?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: British - 2000

Alex: Answer...

(Daily Double cue)


...the first of the 2 Daily Doubles. You have 5,200 here, Amanda - enough to get within striking distance of Kim.

Amanda: All the chips, please.

Alex: For 10,400 if you are right...

One of Britain's greatest minds was this 19th century physicist & author of "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism"

Amanda: Who is Maxwell?

Alex: James Clerk Maxwell is right...and you have just taken 2nd place from Melissa! Go again!

Amanda: Albums - 2000

From 1968, the "Village Green Preservation Society" album is often considered this British band's masterpiece

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who are The Kinks?

Alex: Correct! That ties you with Kim for the lead.

Melissa: Let's see what Kareem has to say - World According To Kareem for 1600.

Alex: Here's Kareem Abdul-Jabbar...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: As a U.S. cultural ambassador for the State Department I visited several of these Brazilian shanty towns with a Portuguese name & spoke about the importance of education in fighting poverty

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What are favelas?

Alex: And you have taken the lead!

Melissa: Arts - 1200

In 1605 this Brit wrote "Advancement of Learning"; the "Screaming Popes" is a series by a British artist of the same name

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Francis Bacon?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Arts - 1600

Alex: Answer there...

(Daily Double cue)


...the other Daily Double. 12,800 for you, Kim. You can make it very tough on Melissa and Amanda.

Kim: I'm gonna make it a TRUE DAILY DOUBLE.

In this 1951 play, Serafina's dead husband sports the title ink on his chest

Kim: What is The Rose Tattoo?

Alex: And you now have 25,600 points, Kim.

Kim: Arts - 2000

In the movie "Fur" Nicole Kidman played this photographer of people on the edge of society

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa; Who is Arbus?

Alex: Diane Arbus! Yes!

Melissa: I'm curious about this category - Jeoportmanteau! - 2000

Insidious pandemic culprit of 1918 plus delightfully foamy Italian custard

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is influenzabaglione?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: Jeoportmanteau! - 1600

Gradual increase in the intensity of a musical piece plus a dental professional who specializes in the pulp of your teeth

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What's a crescendodontist?

Alex: Yes indeed!

Melissa: Jeoportmanteau! - 1200

Small, oblong Chinese citrus fruit plus rhymed verse employed by Omar Khayyam & Nostradamus

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is a kumquatrain?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: World According To Kareem - 2000

Alex: Here's Kareem!

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: I became a stronger, faster & more intense basketball player through my training with the great Bruce Lee, who pioneered mixed martial arts with the hybrid fighting style he called this, abbreviated JKD

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: Wnat is Jeet Kune Do?

Alex Correct! Brings you to 15,600. Go again.

Amanda: British Stuff - 1200

You'll find an amphibian in the name of this classic English dish that features sausage & Yorkshire pudding

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What's a toad in the hole?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Albums - 1200

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Back To Black?

Alex: Correct, Melissa!

Melissa: World According To Kareem - 1200

Alex: Back to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: My heroes include this man killed in 1770 who's been lauded as "the first to defy, the first to die" & "the first to pour out his blood as a precious libation on the altar of a people's rights"

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Crispus Attucks?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Kareem - 800

Alex: Kareem?

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: "Give kids a shot that can't be blocked" is the mission of my educational foundation for children named for this, my signature basketball move

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What's the skyhook?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa; Let's finish the category.

Alex: One more time...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: I've shared the court with many great players, but one of the best was Oscar Robertson, who as my teammate on the 1971 NBA champion Milwaukee Bucks wore this number appropriate for a point guard

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is 1?

Alex: Yes, and our thanks to the great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for that category.

Melissa: Albums - 800

"Follow God" & "Closed On Sunday" are tracks on this 2019 Kanye West album

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is Jesus is King?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: Finish Albums for 400.

With its debut album featuring "Who Can It Be Now?", this band went to No. 1 on at least 2 continents

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who are Men At Work?

Alex: Good!

Melissa: British Stuff - 800

In 2019 the venerable travel firm named for this man suddenly collapsed, stranding 150,000 Brits abroad on holiday

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Cook?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Jeoportmanteu! - 800

Sentient creature like Olaf or Frosty plus "the #1 kosher wine brand in America"

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is snowManischewitz?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: Arts - 800

Ceramicist Beatrice Wood was nicknamed "The Mama" of this art movement

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What's the Dada movement?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Arts - 400

In 1957 Danish architect Jørn Utzon won a contest to design this; his winning entry featured sail-like shells

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What's the Sydney Opera House?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Jeoportmanteau! - 400

A kyber crystal-powered weapon plus baseball statistics analysis system of Bill James

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What are lightSabermetrics?

Alex: Correct again!

Melissa: History - 400

Francis Drake became Sir Francis in April 1581 in the presence of this monarch

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Elizabeth I?

Alex: Yes, now the last clue...

The Radcliffe this, from a Latin word for a chamber, isn't photo equipment but a reading room at Oxford

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What's a camera?

Alex: Correct! That brings you to 28,000, Melissa at 22,800 and Amanda at 17,200 as we head to Final Jeopardy! for this first game of Match 4. Final Jeopardy! category is...IT'S ALL GREECE TO ME. Clue in a moment.

(commercial break)

(return from commercial)

Alex Trebek: Final Jeopardy! category for Game 1 of Match 4 is IT'S ALL GREECE TO ME. Clue for you is...

This area of Greece, home to Pan, is synonymous with a rural paradise; it's a setting for Virgil's shepherd poems the "Eclogues"

...30 seconds, players. Good luck.


Jeopardy! Greatest of All Time - Final Jeopardy! Think Music

We'll come to Amanda first. You put down...'What is Arcadia?' You are correct. How much did you risk? Everything. You double to 34,400 as we come to Melissa Chase. Do we have Arcadia? We do indeed. You too risked everything, bringing you to 45,600 as we come to Kim Possible. Kim, did you put down Arcadia? You did. I hope you risked a lot. HELLO! 28,000! Brings you to 56,000 and those scores will be added to your scores from Game 2 to determine the winner of Match 4. Game 2 to come...AFTER THIS!

(commercial break)

(return from commercial)

Alex Trebek: Kim will make the first selection as we get started in game 2. These 6 categories will greet you...

200 200 200 200 200 200
400 400 400 400 400 400
600 600 600 600 600 600
800 800 800 800 800 800
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

THE GREATEST CANADIANS OF ALL TIME (clues presented by Ryan Reynolds)

Kim: Let's begin with Literary Terms & Devices - 800

Greek for "exaggeration" gives us this device, an intentionally exaggerated figure of speech

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is hyperbole?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Math to Roman Numerals to Initials to Names - 1000

102 minus 10 to this Latin bandleader, "The Rumba King"

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Xavier Cugat?

Alex: 100-10 is 90! XC! Yes!

Kim: Math to Roman Numerals - 800

Alex; Answer...

(Daily Double cue)


Alex: ...the lone Daily Double of the round. You have 1000 to invest here.

Kim: All in, please.

Alex: Here's the clue...

(1,000 / 2) - 350 to this rock singer who was also a 1997 Golden Globe nominee

Hurry, Kim...

Kim: Who is...

(beep beep beep)

....Christian Laettner? I have no idea!

Alex: You had the initials right...

Kim: Who is it?

Alex: Who is Courtney Love?

Kim: Of course! Courtney Love! Denver's gonna love me - they're not fans.

Alex: Your score is still up on the board - 0.

Kim: Literary Terms - 1000

This metrical foot is 2 short or unstressed syllables followed by one long or stressed one

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is anapest?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Math to Roman Numerals - 600

5% of 4,000 to this author of "The NUMA Files" books & other maritime thrillers

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: Who is Clive Cussler?

Alex: Yes, CC - 200!

Amanda: Math to Roman Numerals - 400

The square root of 4,000,000 to this guy who hit more than 500 career home runs from 1986 to 2001

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Mark McGwire?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Finish the category, please.

800 + 250 to this architect of a D.C. landmark dedicated in 1982

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Maya Lin?

Alex: Correct, Kim!

Kim: Literary Terms - 600

This concept of divine intervention to resolve the plot was used in the Sophocles play "Philoctetes"

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is deux ex machina?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Broadway - 800

"The Inheritance" reimagines this novelist's "Howards End" with 3 generations of gay men in 21st century New York City

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Forster?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Broadway - 1000

Based on the hit film, this 2019 musical set in Montmartre stars Aaron Tveit & Karen Olivo as the lovers Christian & Satine

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Moulin Rouge?

Alex: Got it again, Melissa!

Melissa: Nonsense Words - 1000

In "Jabberwocky" "the vorpal blade went" this sibilant sound

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is snicker-snack?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Nonsense Words - 800

In the film "Gone with the Wind", this word comes before "Ashley Wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite"

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is fiddle-dee-dee?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Broadway - 600

The 2019 musical "Hadestown" goes straight to Hell with Tony winner André de Shields as this Greek messenger god

"The wage is nothing and the work is hard / It’s a graveyard in Hadestown"

"Way down Hadestown / Way down under the ground"

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Hermes?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: I think it's time we go to Ryan Reynolds. Greatest Canadians of All Time - 1000

Alex: Here's Ryan Reynolds with the clue.

Ryan Reynolds: A career diplomat, he helped create NATO & the United Nations, won the Nobel Peace Prize for solving the Suez Crisis in 1956 & as the prime minister of Canada, ushered in a little thing we call universal medicare

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Lester Pearson?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Greatest Canadians - 800

Alex: Ryan?

Ryan Reynolds: After losing part of his right leg to cancer, he embarked on a Marathon of Hope, running across Canada to raise money to fight cancer; he ran almost a marathon a day for 143 days but stopped short of his goal when the cancer spread to his lungs

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Fox?

Alex: Terry Fox, yes!

Kim: Canadians - 600

Alex: Back to Ryan Reynolds...

Ryan Reynolds: With a performing style that was, ah, quirky--he'd hum & sway as he played--this pianist leaped into international acclaim with his 1955 recording of Bach's "Goldberg Variations"

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Glenn Gould?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Welcome Back, Boys! - 1000

On Dec. 19, 1972 astronauts Cernan, Schmitt & Evans splashed down in the Pacific as this last manned Moon mission came to an end

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Apollo 17?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Welcome Back, Boys! - 800

In 1985 John Sculley & the tech company's board demoted this co-founder, but he was back in charge in 1997

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Steve Jobs?

Alex: Correct, Melissa!

Melissa: Welcome Back, Boys! - 600

In 2019 this hard rock band led by Maynard James Keenan released its first album in 13 years & it went to No. 1

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Tool?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Welcome Back, Boys! - 400

He's the party hearty family member who returns home & gets a nifty meal in Luke 15

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is The Prodigal Son?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Finish the category, please.

Inconsistently consistent, he took the oath of office on March 4, 1885 & was back for more on March 4, 1893

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Cleveland?

Alex: Grover Cleveland! Yes!

Melissa: Canadians - 400

Alex: Back to Ryan Reynolds with the clue...

Ryan Reynolds: This educator who thought the printed book was an institution that was fated to disappear gave us an aphorism that has not disappeared: "the medium is the message"

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is McLuhan?

Alex: Marshall McLuhan!

Melissa: Canadians - 200

Alex: Wrap it up for us, Ryan.

Ryan Reynolds: With more than 40 books of poetry, fiction & essays to her name, this author has won the Booker Prize twice: for "The Blind Assassin" in 2000 & for "The Testaments" in 2019

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Margaret Atwood?

Alex: Correct! And our thanks to Ryan Reynolds for that category.

Melissa: Literary Terms - 400

It's the German word for a novel about the education & formative years of the protagonist; "The Catcher in the Rye" is one

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is a bildungsroman?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Nonsense Words - 600

Created as the name of the "Lord High Everything Else" in "The Mikado", it now means an important or self-important person

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What's a poo-bah?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Nonsense Words - 400

In one episode of "The Big Bang Theory", Sheldon says, "you've fallen for one of my classic pranks" & then this word

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Always wanted to say this. What is BAZINGA?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Nonsense - 200

This author gave us many nonsense words & was not afraid to use them in titles, as in "Bartholomew and the Oobleck"

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Theodore Geisel?

Alex: No. 

(Amanda rings in)


Amanda: Who is Dr. Seuss?

Alex: Yes!

Amanda: Broadway - 400

Oscar winner Diablo Cody wrote the book for this show that gets its title & music from Alanis Morissette's hit 1995 album

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Jagged Little Pill?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Broadway - 200

In a biographical musical, Adrienne Warren portrays this pop icon singing one of her biggest songs

"Big wheel keep on turning [turning] / Proud Mary keep on burning [burning] / Rolling, rolling"

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: Who is Tina Turner?

Alex: Yes and now the last clue...

Italian for "stopping place" gives us this word for a part of a poem

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is a stanza?

Alex: Yes and that puts you at 1,200 points, Melissa in the lead at 9,200, Kim with 5,400 and it will be Amanda going first in Double Jeopardy...after this.

(commercial break)

(return from commercial)

Alex Trebek: Before we get started with Double Jeopardy, we have a scoring change to note that involves you, Kim. In the 200 point clue for Nonsense Words, we originally ruled against you when you said Theodore Geisel. Theodore Geisel is Dr. Seuss's real name, so we have decided to add 400 points to your score. That will put you at 5.800 as we start Double Jeopardy with Amanda making the first selection in one of these categories...

400 400 400 400 400 400
800 800 800 800 800 800
1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000


Amanda, you lead off.

Amanda: Surprise Me, Trebek - 400

In July 2019 the approach of one of these was announced only hours before it passed within 45,000 miles of earth

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What's an asteriod?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - 1600

Tip your hat to this Vine Street restaurant where it's said Clark Gable proposed to Carole Lombard

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What's the Brown Derby?

Alex: The Brown Derby! Yes!

Melissa: Vice Presidents - 1200

Pictured here is Theodore Roosevelt with this veep who gave his name to an Alaska city

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Fairbanks?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Vice Presidents - 1600

Hubert H. Humphrey had the monogram H.H.H.; for this 19th century veep, it was H.H.

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: Who is Hamlin?

Alex: Hannibal Hamlin!

Kim: Vice Presidents - 2000

Alex: Answer...

(Daily Double cue)


...the first of the 2 Daily Doubles. You are 1,000 points off the lead enjoyed by Melissa.

Kim: 5,000, please.

Alex: This will give you the lead if you are right. Here's the clue...

In 1900, 3 years after leaving the vice presidency, he welcomed a grandson given the same name, later a candidate for president

Kim: Who is Adlai Stevenson?

Alex: You are correct!

Kim: Hollywood - 1200

In 1992 Ava Gardner's bloomers & Madonna's bustier were stolen from this business' lingerie museum

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Frederick's?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Disputed Territories - 1200

This legendary birthplace of Aphrodite has been in dispute between its Greek & Turkish residents for decades now

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is Cyprus?

Alex: Yes, Kim!

Kim: Territories - 1600

A winter capital of its maharajas, this place is paired with Kashmir in the name of an Indian union territory

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Jammu?

Alex: Good!

Melissa: Territories - 800

Spain increased controls on its border with this territory after a 2013 dispute with Britain over fishing rights

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Gibraltar?

Alex: Gibraltar, yes!

Melissa: Territories - 2000

Russia recognizes Abkhazia's independence, declared in 1999, but this country, in which Abkhazia lies, does not

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is the Republic of Georgia?

Alex: We'll accept that. Go again.

Kim: Purple Reign - 1200

It's the 4-letter title of the Deep Purple Top 10 hit with that "na-na-na-na" part

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is 'Hush'?

Alex: Got it!

Melissa: Phrases & Expressions - 1200

Thomas Carlyle described a leader as "soft of speech...yet with an inflexible rigor of command": this metaphor

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is an iron hand in a velvet glove?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Phrases - 1600

In a 1901 novel a girl is seized by a Frenchman & "perhaps carried off to" this dreadful destiny

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is a fate worse than death?

Alex: Yes!

Amanda: Purple Reign - 1600

Porphyrogeniture is succession by the 1st son "born in the purple", while dad was king; this is succession by the 1st son born anytime

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is primogeniture?

Alex: Correct, Kim!

Kim: Purple Reign - 2000

AKA royal purple, the famed dye named for this Phoenician city was produced during the Bronze Age

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is tyre?

Alex: Yes!

Melissa: Phrases - 2000

The fifth & probably smelliest of Hercules' labors, it has come to mean any herculean task

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What are the Augean Stables?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Purple Reign - 800

Way back in the 19th century, the football team of this school that's now in the Big Ten was nicknamed "The Purple"

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Northwestern?

Alex: Northwestern U!

Melissa: Phrases - 800

5-word phrase said when turning down fatty food or folding a poker hand

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is too rich for my blood?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Surprise Me, Trebek - 1600

Alex: Answer there...

(Daily Double cue)


...the other Daily Double. You have 21,200, Melissa.

Melissa: All the chips, please.

Alex: Here's the clue...

This big landlocked African country was surprised to be added to the USA's 2017 travel ban, but was removed from the list in 2018

Melissa: What is Chad?

Alex: You now have 42,400 points...making it extremely difficult for Kim and Amanda to catch up! Go again.

Melissa: Surprise Me - 2000

A surprise attack at these plains in Quebec in 1759 led to the British gaining control of New France

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What are the Plains of Abraham?

Alex: Yes!

Kim: Hollywood - 2000

In 1961 the Hollywood Palladium on Sunset Blvd. became the longtime home of this N.D.-born man & his orchestra

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: Who is Lawrence Welk?

Alex: Correct, Amanda!

Amanda: Surprise Me - 1200

In a 1998 shocker, Jesse Ventura was elected Minnesota governor, becoming this party's first candidate to win statewide office

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is the Reform Party?

Alex: The Reform Party! Yes!

Melissa: Surprise Me - 800

Alex: Here's Conan O'Brien with the clue...

Conan O'Brien: 2 of you contestants will love this: the supercomputer Watson come on my show & irritated this sidekick so much, he took Watson to the roof & threw it off

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Andy Richter?

Alex: Correct!

Melissa: Vice Presidents - 800

Before Mike Pence, he was the last vice president from the state of Indiana

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: Who is Qwayle?

Alex: Dan Qwayle!

Melissa: Vice Presidents - 400

In the 1990s he was the answer to a famous "Got Milk?" commercial

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: Who is Aaron Burr?

Alex: Correct!

Amanda: Hollywood - 800

The first Academy Awards, held at the Roosevelt Hotel in 1929, saw this war movie winning for "Outstanding Picture"

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is Wings?

Alex: Correct!

Kim: Hollywood - 400

This alliterative name for a hangout of western movie extras made the news in 1940 when one cowboy gunned down another for real

(Amanda rings in)

Alex: Amanda?

Amanda: What is Gower Gulch?

Alex: Yes indeed!

Amanda: Territories - 400

Alex: Here's Sarah of the Clue Crew...

Sarah Whitcomb-Foss: The ownership of Hans Island, located between Ellesmere Island & Greenland, is disputed; Canada stakes its claim by raising its flag there & leaving bottles of rye, while this other country puts up its flag & leaves bottles of aquavit

(Kim rings in)

Alex: Kim?

Kim: What is Denmark?

Alex: Yes! Great place to visit, obviously. 

Kim: Purple Reign - 400

At its height in the 1920s & 1930s, the Purple Gang reigned over this large Midwestern city's underworld

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What is Detroit?

Alex: Yes, now the last clue of the round...

2 antonyms make up this phrase for a legal case with an obvious verdict

(Melissa rings in)

Alex: Melissa?

Melissa: What's an open and shut case?

Alex: Yes and that brings you to 45,000, Kim is at 23,200, Amanda at 6,000 as we show you the scores from Game 1...

Melissa: 45,600 Kim: 56,000 Amanda: 34,400

Final Jeopardy category is...SHAKESPEARE'S TRAGEDIES. Clue in a moment.

(commercial break)

(return from commercial)

Alex Trebek: Final Jeopardy category for this 2nd game of Match 4 is SHAKESPEARE'S TRAGEDIES. Here's the clue...

He has 272 speeches, the most of any non-title character in a Shakespeare tragedy

30 seconds, players....good luck.

(Jeopardy! Greatest Of All Time think cue)

Amanda, we come to you first. You had 6,000 going into Final. You put down 'Who is Iago?' You are correct. How much did you risk? Everything. Brings you to 12,000. In Game 1, you put up 34,400 and that makes your 2 game total 46,400. Takes us to Kim - 23,200 going in. Do we find Iago? We do. Did you risk a lot? You went all in. 46,400 is your score for this game. Add that to the 56,000 from game 1, gives you a 2 game total of 102,400 as we come to Melissa Chase. Do we see Iago? We do. Did you risk enough? 11,600. That makes your game 2 score 56,600. You had 45,600 in game 1, gives you a 2 game total of...102,200, which is not enough and that means Kim wins Match 4! She is now 1 win away from that $2,000,000 bounty and the title of THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME. The trophy will be in the studio on Monday! Will Melissa or Amanda be able to stop Kim? We'll find out in about 95 hours from now. Won't you join us then? So long!


Jeopardy! Greatest of All Time - Theme Music Sample

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Kimberly Ann Possible is now just 1 win away from winning $2,000,000 and the title of THE GREATEST OF ALL-TIME! Can Melissa or Amanda stop her and force a Match 6? FIND OUT NEXT TIME!