Milo Murphy's Law Wiki

Hey, Mu....Forget it. I don't like typing that opening anymore. Sorry.


So on Dan or Swampy's Twitter acount (one of those two I'm sure) posted a deleted character. This character is just like Cavenpuss, but younger and you can see his human chest.

Was this character intended to be the son of Cavenpuss? Was he supposed to pop out of the egg Cavenpuss layed at the end of "Milo in Space"?

We can see Cavenpuss in the picture walking away from his son, who at this point I'm gonning to call Baby Cavenpuss.

I personally would have liked this character. It would have been cute. 

Yes, it could have been really disturbing. But I'm pretty sure the cute factor would overlie disturbing factor.

He could have been like a Baby Groot kind of thing.

What are your guy's thoughts? Would you have liked seeing Baby Cavenpuss or do you thing they were right in scraping him?
